

Supervisor Survey 2017 Validity and Reliability

Exit Survey 2017 Validity and Reliability

Transition to Teaching Survey 2017 Validity and Reliability

Guide to Data Collection, Reporting, Analysis and Use

Modest Proposal

Indexing SCSU to NExT





DeFeo, D.J., & Tran, T.C. (2019, September).  Growing our own: Recruiting Alaska’s youth and paraprofessionals into teaching.  UAA Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of Alaska Anchorage, Research Summary, No. 2019-3, 1-6.

Salajan, F.D., Duffield, S.K., Glava, A.E., & Glava, C.C. (2017). A comparative study of two pre-service teacher preparation programmes in the USA and Romania. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 47(4), 483-498. doi: 10.1080/03057925.2016.1246955


Duffield, S., Olson, A., & Kerzman, R. (2012). Crossing borders, breaking boundaries: Collaboration among higher education institutions. Innovative Higher Education, 38(3), 237-250. doi:10.1007/s10755-012-9238-8